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The Tennessee State Library and Archives (TSLA) gratefully accepts donations of printed, recorded, and photographic materials from the general public. Priority is given to materials about Tennessee and its citizens, but records relevant to the history of the Southeastern United States are accepted, as well as standard and important works in American history and biography, maps, basic reference works, family and genealogical histories (which must include an index), works by Tennessee authors, Tennesseana, and other materials in keeping with the scope of the collections. Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Because compact disks (CDs) are not a permanent medium and changes in computer hardware and software may make information on CDs unrecoverable, TSLA will accept donations of unpublished materials on CDs according to the following guidelines:


  1. Acceptance by TSLA of a compact disc does not guarantee the permanency of either the disk or the information thereon. Because of the changing nature of computer formats, TSLA cannot ensure that the information on a CD will be transferred, recopied, or converted to another format.

  2. Textual information on CDs should be in Microsoft Word or PDF format. TSLA can accept images in most non-proprietary software formats, such as .tff, .jpg, and .bmp files.

  3. All donations of compact disks should be accompanied by a printed copy of the material on each disk, including an index.

  4. The same standards that apply to copyright restrictions on printed materials also apply to materials recorded on compact disk. Copyright compliance is placed on the user of any TSLA material. We will not accept any CD with restrictions on its use other than standard copyright restrictions.

  5. All materials offered as potential donations are subject to review by the TSLA Archives Review Committee. Materials that are not accepted will be returned to the donor upon request.

In compliance with the United State Revenue Service Code (98 stat. 692 [1984], 26 USC 170 note) TSLA cannot appraise donations for tax valuation or any other purpose. Any inventory or accounting of donations provided to donors will be provided in a format determined by TSLA. With a few exceptions TSLA will not accept donated items with restrictions on their use. All donated materials become the sole property of TSLA, and final disposition of all gifts is reserved to TSLA.

To donate manuscripts and historical materials please contact Cathi Carmack, Chair, Archives Review Committee, at 615-253-3468, or by email at

To donate books and bound materials contact Stephanie Sutton at 615-253-3462 or by email at


Links to Sample Forms

Updated November 16, 2012


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